
Slowing metabolism

Don't take any medication if you don't have to.
If you want to gain don't be lazy and cop out by taking meds just start gaining on your own.
Gaining takes effort on your part and trust me its not easy you just have to want it bad enough.
3 years

Slowing metabolism

Don't take any medication if you don't have to.
If you want to gain don't be lazy and cop out by taking meds just start gaining on your own.
Gaining takes effort on your part and trust me its not easy you just have to want it bad enough.

Ditzy has a very good point, taking medication for the wrong reasons is not safe or ethical.
I'm old, later sixties, my metabolism has slowed considerably. I still run in the mornings, though "slowly", but I can easily gain weight. In the last few years since I retired from the military reserves I have put on twenty five pounds. I'm up to 230 lbs. from 206 lbs. I love my growing belly.
Earlier in life, I ran (faster then) daily, I could eat pretty much whatever I wanted to eat and not gain weight. Now, if I overeat for a couple of days, I'm up five pounds.
Be patient, gaining gets a lot easier as you get older. Metabolic changes start in your twenties, just enjoy the ride.
3 years